Vanessa Peacock
Registered Physiotherapist
About Vanessa
When not working on her PhD, Vanessa enjoys hiking & skiing, exploring the outdoors, learning new languages and visiting her local karaoke bar - can you guess her favourite song to sing?!
Vanessa is a holistically focused Physiotherapist with a background in Nutritional Medicine. She primarily works with clients with chronic pain & musculoskeletal conditions like:
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic lower back pain
Chronic knee pain
Neuropathic pain
Chronic Headaches
Vanessa also enjoys working with clients for Neurological rehabilitation, acupuncture & dry needling. She specialised in client-centric active rehabilitation strategies and aims to give clients the tools to optimize their individual health and maximize their abilities.
Vanessa graduated from The University of Alberta with a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy in 2017. She has further training in The McKenzie Method for back pain and neck pain therapy. Vanessa is currently completing her PhD in Clinical Exercise Science & Persistent Pain Therapy at The University of Potsdam in Germany. She has also presented research at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 and lectured via the TALK series from Kwantlen Polytechnic University and at the Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists Congress on persistent pain management.
Service Area
Virtual - Available to anyone in British Columbia!